7:00      Volunteer Arrival

7:30     Vendor Arrival and set-up (vendors must be set up and ready at 8:45 am)

9:00     Event open (Opening Blessing by Tammy Trotter-Bazzle)

9:30    Workshop: Stone Work

          Fae Village Open/ Teen area Open

10:00   Drum circle/ Auction

10:30   Workshop: Tree of Life Meditation

11:00   Daughters of Ishtar Bellydancing

11:30   Workshop: Animal Totems

12:00   Druid ritual by Sencha

12:30   Workshop/Discussion: One Love

1:00    Musical Performance: Hollin Gammage

1:30    Drum Circle with adults AND the children (the kids can make a drum or noise maker of their own in the Fae Village  to use at the drum circle)

2:00    Iron WItch Contest/ Raffle Winners Announced/ Winning Vendor Announced

2:30    Workshop: Pagan Authors      

           Musical Performance by Tom Peterson

3:00     Auction

3:30     Workshop: Spell Writing

            Performance: Diabolo- Chinese Yo-Yo by Tony D. Helms

4:30     Closing Ritual/Blessing by Tammy Trotter-Bazzle and attendees

5:00     Event closes




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